Why You Want Your Wife to Have Sex With Others?

Science and psychology have a lot of answers, but we all have our own

Moana Liza
3 min readJan 2, 2022


Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

The idea of wanting your wife to have sex with other men is an old one, but it has also been a taboo just as long. It is something you are not supposed to want. A lot of people look at you crazy and think you are insane for liking such a thing.

For years I hide my desires even from myself. Looking back I can see a pattern that was always there, but it still took a long time for me to get bold enough to tell her. It took longer for her to agree. Psychologists say its much more common for men to initiate this activity.

I don’t think you have to fulfill your fantasies. You can fulfill them and never understand them, and to me that is missing the point. I think it matters why we want things, and understanding that helps you understand yourself better. I think it also enhances the experience for both myself and my wife.

I believe men and women may have different reasons for having a fantasy of sex with others. The purpose of this article is to look at men’s reasons. The why for women is a topic for another day.

An article in Psychology Today that has been around a long time explains some of the reasons men like for their wives to fuck other men.



Moana Liza

Blurring the lines between the spiritual and sensual. Tales often of a sexual nature of my journey in this world. Sex positive, Yes I am positive.